What a Universal Basic Income / Freedom Dividend will do everywhere it is implemented and what else we can socially do to ensure fair opportunity
Not only would help people survive but it will directly tackle poverty and ensure everyone has an opportunity. If
you can't find work you can create an opportunity for yourself,tackle debt, buy a home, catch up on retirement and
savings, and list really does go on. During the 2008 recession over $4 trillion was given to the banks/financial
institutions in bail out money and or for other purposes I think. I do not believe they will create more jobs and
businesses than the citizens of our country will. Majority of the benefit has gone to very few people earning large
salaries who we idolize to brainwash people to work harder which makes it harder for people to find work
especially those who don't have much opportunities or experience. Even worse if you lack transportation, savings,
and such.
Once you implement a Universal Basic Income / Freedom Dividend and put money directly in people's hands you
create more jobs and businesses and rebuild every small and big community from the ground up, referred to as
the trickle up economy by a 2020 US Presidential candidate named Andrew Yang whose main policy includes the
Universal Basic Income which he rebrands as the Freedom Dividend. This is how you tackle poverty, lack of
opportunity, and restore confidence in the economy and improve how we think and make is fear or worry less.
Everyone deserves a fairer chance.
We must also stop blaming each other for everything possible and start helping each other with jobs opportunities
etc so we can directly tackle racism and poverty and with Universal Basic Income / Freedom Dividend it will be
much more easier to do this.
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