Briefly tackling concerns of the rising cost of the Freedom Dividend / Universal Basic Income with Social Credits

When it comes to the freedom dividend / universal basic income compared to other 1000-2000 social programs we have, some may wonder how would it work with a growing population considering the rising cost of the program and that it may be unsustainable for a growing population and keeping up with inflation. I've realized because bureaucracy is removed from the program it has huge potential for a compound growth effect which the current programs will be missing for being very bureaucratic meaning the limitations these programs have, for example food stamps limiting you what you can buy to social security being limited to working credits and or age. Combined with a social credit program where you do good (help the neighbors or volunteer etc) for a credit, the freedom dividend / universal basic income can do even more good and lift society and forward it in a better direction. 

The Universal Basic Income is backed by Andrew Yang, a 2020 United States presidential candidate that is running with a Universal Basic Income which he brands as the Freedom Dividend. 
